Thursday, October 3, 2013

Do you have Audio Visual experience? Update on lawn signs.

Two things today Friends-  First , we need audio visual types for October 8th to help us with a public access TV endeavor. Can you help? Maybe you have A/V experience from high school or work, even a little experience helps. Email

Second, Email your pictures of your lawn signs . I see a lot on Rte 10!!!! Don't forget to ask any businesses you frequent if you can put a sign in front of their building. We will get one to you.
Our sign push last night was very successful. Here's a picture of two houses side by side sporting our signs. 2 houses down from these was another. It was a great morning for us Friends seeing the support of our neighbors and fellow Cheshire residents.

Here's a post on Facebook from last night's distribution. Quite the caravan of vehicles turned up to get their signs. The energy was tremendous!